Domain Name Registration and
Management for our Clients
We can help you register a domain name at any of the big domain registrars (such as Godaddy or Network Solutions) or at the domain registrar we recommend, which is Enom.
We highly recommend that you always seek to retain full control of any and all domains that you use for your website. The threat to your well-being is increased whenever a domain you are using is owned by anyone other than you. Unfortunately, it has been a common practice for website designers to hold hostage the domain name of a website, if a dispute arises over payment or performance. If the domain was registered in the name of your website designer, then they technically "own" it. We've been approached by many people over the last 25 years after they've had such a dispute with the people who built or hosted their website. If there's no reconciliation possible, then you might need a lawyer involved (with all the expenses you might imagine) to actually get your own domain name back, and get your website functional again.
Any domains that we here at Words in a Row have helped our clients purchase (usually through Enom), we have left under their full control. In other words, our clients own their own domain names and can do what they want with them. The account owner for any domain name we register for our clients will be our CLIENT, not us; the domain and all settings will be primarily under our clients' control. If we help you register a domain, you won't need our approval or assistance to transfer away, if you choose to do so at a later date.
In that way, we differ from many webmastering, web hosting, and website design services.
Should you need our help controlling any aspect of your domain registration, we are usually able to do so without any difficulty. We can help move your site to a different hosting provider, to a different domain registrar entirely, or help you set up the technical details within the domain name registrar so the domain name actually works and people can actually visit your website and send you email.
If you (as our client) would like to move your domains into our control, we can thereafter help you keep track of and manage any number of domains on your behalf, so long as we're able to transfer them into our own system at Enom. In the case of a domain name you believe you own, which is trapped somewhere else, please contact us and we'll advise. We have helped several clients to spring these trapped domain names free and so be able to use them again.
Here is the Enom login. If you've lost track of your username or password there, please contact us to have them sent to you again. Do not create another new username and password at Enom; doing that won't let you access your existing domain(s) there. If you create an account there without letting us do it for you, we will not be able to help you manage your domains for you, so please contact us beforehand so we can create the kind of account for you that we can help you manage, even while you retain ownership of that domain name.
If at any point you find you're having trouble with your domains or any part of the process, please contact us directly. We'll get it sorted out.

Celebrating 25 Years of Creating an Island of
Stability In the Sea of Online Confusion
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