Won the Blog Wars
Blog Languages
Before WordPress, there was a lot of discussion about what code language to use to write your own blog. Looking back on it now, it seems quaint. Many website developers thought the XML language would win out for blogging (AND replace HTML4). Others thought Atom would prevail. But that's not what happened.
WordPress, with its easy installation and fairly okay Content Management System, essentially dominates the English language blogging landscape these days the same way that Google dominates English language search.
Yes, you can use other platforms to do your internet search. I'm guessing Bing has about 2% of the search market? and DuckDuckGo has less than that (they estimate 50 million users). Since they don't track people, it's hard to tell! But DuckDuckGo relies heavily on Bing for search results. The bottom line is that the vast majority of English-speaking people use Google for search.
If you are in Russia, you probably use Yandex. If you are in China, you use whatever search engine your government lets you access through their Great Firewall... currently, that would be the Baidu search engine.)
Since the advent of WordPress, there's been no need to write your blog in some obscure coding language. Google is able to crawl through and index just fine any WordPress sites written in English. So there's no longer any need for a separate blog search engine to find a particular blog; Google will do nicely.
If you want to use a different platform for your blog other than WordPress, we recommend you try using Joomla. Here are good instructions on how to create your Joomla blog from JoomlaShack.
Word to the wise: There are significant learning curves to using either WordPress or Joomla.
If you're a programmer or interested in learning programming so you could, for example, write the code for your own blog from scratch: here's a fascinating look at the most popular programming, scripting and markup languages of 2019.
For my own blog I just use WordPress, like everybody else. That said, here's why I don't recommend WordPress to build a commercial website.