Make Your Website Sell!
Do This Quick 5-Point Sales Analysis
We recommend you analyze your site, based on the five points customers want to see in any business before they will buy from them. We didn't make up these five points—they were uncovered through extensive research.
These are the five points customers want to see before they will buy:
No matter who designed your site, it is an informative exercise to see how these points can be improved in your website and in the company your website represents online. Covering well all five of these points will increase sales from the people who DO visit your site, which makes the marketing you are already doing more effective.
Looking at something is the first step to handling it. Take a hard, sharp look at your website.
Does your website give the appearance that you are a reliable company? (Hint: Testimonials from customers go a long way toward proving this point. So does having a "contact" page where someone can find your phone number to call you or chat online if there's ever a problem.)
Is your company responding to communication? If someone sends you an email, is it answered within an hour or two, or does it take a week or two? Does it get answered at all? Send an email yourself and see how it is handled.
How does your website assure your customers that yours is the product or service they need? Do you give them enough information about your product or service to let them make up their own minds about it, or are you just expecting a picture of your product and the words "buy now!" to do the job of selling for you? There's a good reason brick-and-mortar stores have sales people: to assure customers that they are making the right decision.
In an effort to look corporate and professional, many websites lose all personal touches and show no empathy whatever to customers, nor do they inspire any empathy from customers. WordPress websites use the same templates from one site to another, until your site looks just like every other WordPress site, with nothing to distinguish it. Is there anywhere on your website that speaks to your customers, or offers advice, or gives any indication that your company cares one whit about its customers after making a sale? Real testimonials from real customers can help establish this point, too.
What does the customer see on your website? Does what they see look professional? Does it inspire your visitors to believe that there is a real company behind your website (with actual humans in it), that will actually deliver the product or service?
Answer those questions for yourself and you should come up with ideas about what to change. If you do this analysis yourself, you will have a much better understanding of what you can do to make your website sell your products.
If you hire us to do this analysis for you, what you will get from us is a very specific critique with points you can USE immediately to improve the way the site (and your company) interacts with its visitors. If you want us to do this analysis for you, just contact us—and schedule your free initial 15-minute consultation and you'll come away with at least one concrete thing you can do to improve your site's sales.
If you decide to go ahead with this sales analysis, we charge for it based on the number of web pages reviewed. We will provide you with a list of very specific things to change in the website, and we can actually do that work for you in most cases.
Hat Tip to: Klaus Hilgers, the late internationally renowned public speaker and seminarist, who pointed up these Sales Factors and shared them for many years in his management seminars. Klaus was the Founder and President of Epoch Consultants, also a close friend and ally. We wrote several books together and shared a lot of laughs.