glossary of SEO terms
SEO & Online Marketing Acronyms & Terms

Glossary of SEO &
Online Marketing Terms

(Or: What the Floc does MUM Mean?)

This Glossary contains terms and acronyms one is likely to run across in reading any online or print publications that concern SEO or online marketing. This glossary is a work in progress and is constantly being updated and appended. We compiled the definitions from a great many sources. When we found a definition for a term that someone else defined well enough for us to be able to understand and use it ourselves (and we couldn't improve upon it) we have quoted it and credited them for it through a link immediately below the listing so you can see the full text. If you believe we're missing a proper credit, or some vital term isn't listed, or we've got something else completely wrong, or you are otherwise offended or outraged by something written (or omitted!) here, please let us know and we'll consider fixing the issue.

The reason we constantly curate this glossary is that we are continually finding more acronyms and terms we do not recognize, and are sometimes hard pressed to find the definition that is actually being used in the context of SEO or online marketing. Whenever we have to look up some new acronym, we try to add it here. Inarguably, several of the terms we have included here also belong in Information Science or other fields, as well. We've tried to err in the direction of being inclusive.

Note that italicized linked words within a definition have their own entry in our glossary.

A List of Online Glossaries

If you can't find the acronym or word or phrase you're looking for here, these are some other good online glossaries:

25 years of online marketing

Celebrating 25 Years of Creating an Island of
Stability In the Sea of Online Confusion

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